The charge

As an Open Access title, publishing an article in this journal requires an Article Processing Charge (APC) that will be billed to the submitting author following acceptance. Apart from this Article Processing Charge there are no other fees (for example submission charges, page charges, or color charges). 

For non-Iranian Authors: The Article Processing Charge the journal is free of charge for Regular Submission (time=3-6 Months), and Fast Tracking Peer-Reviewing =250$

For Iranian Authors: Free of charge for Regular submission (time=3-6 Months), Fast Tracking Peer-Review=2,000,000 Toman). Please check ===>>>Publication Cycle-Process Flowchart

Please note that no articles will be accepted without reviewing and going through all the admission process. There isn't absolutely "Fast Publication" in this journal, and such a request by the authors will lead to the rejection of the article. ===>>>Publication Cycle-Process Flowchart

If you've ever submit an article in our journals, you've certainly experienced these steps with us. The minimum time required to accept an article will be 2 months and the maximum will be 6 months.

Refund policy

Once an article has been accepted for publication, an Article Processing Charge is due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charge, and Sami Publishing Company (SPC) will not issue refunds of any kind.


Sami Publishing Company (SPC) operates a transparent waiver policy to help support researchers who are unable to meet some or all of the cost associated with publishing open access. ======>>>> See SPC’s Waiver Policy